Friday, September 17, 2010

Buyer Protection Plan

I am always striving to become better. I strive to improve myself to make others around me better. I believe in being the best, but even if you are, there is always room to improve.

There has been a definite shift in the Calgary real estate market in the past several months. We have seen variable interest rates increasing, long term interest rates decreasing, uncertainty in the US economic recover and a freaking media circus around everything. I am an industry professional and I am reading contradicting media reports every other day. I cannot imagine the possible confusion for a casual news reader.

I have chosen to take a proactive position in anticipation of a changing real estate market. I find there are a lot of Calgarians financially and emotionally ready to purchase a home, but are uncertain of real estate prices in the next 6-12 months. If you are one, nod your head; if you know one forward this blog post to them. At the end of September I will be rolling out a "Buyer Protection Plan". This plan has two parts: Part 1) My Boomerang One Savings Strategy (BOSS) which will protect you from increasing interest rates, future payment shock and inflation. This strategy is an absolute must for your next mortgage. If you do not have a plan or strategy in place NOW, register your mortgage renewal date with me @ Part 2) Purchase the home you desire today and be protected from a 5% price decrease for one year! I can see the hamster in your head running full speed now, yes I said 5%. If you bought a $300,000 condo and the average price went down to $285,000 next year, you would be protected from that price decrease and get $15,000 back! I have hand picked exclusive Realtors, lenders, lawyers, and mortgage insurers to participate in this program. Don't worry about HOW I will be doing this; the details will be explained when you contact me.

If you (or anyone you know) are in the market to purchase a new home OR you are listing your home with no activity --> DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. The BOSS and my Buyer Protection Plan are the answers to the problems you may not even know you have.

Contact me today


Chad Moore
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